
Tooth color is unique to the person just like eye color or hair color. The ratio of the elements in the tooth, the thickness of the enamel layer, and the density of the dentine layer all determine the color of the tooth. As the mineral composition of the tooth changes with advanced age, the tooth color may get darker. Excessive use of coloring materials such as tea, coffee, and cigarettes can also lead to long-term external coloration.

For bleaching to be effective, a clean tooth surface is needed; for this, tartar cleaning should be done before bleaching. After tartar removal, bleaching can be done by two methods or a combination of these two.

Office Bleaching:

After the isolation of the gums, a highly concentrated bleaching agent applied to the tooth surface is activated by a laser or light source. Fast and effective bleaching is provided after about one hour.

Home Bleaching:

This is applied with bleaching plates specially prepared for the patient by the dentist. A certain amount of bleaching gel is put into this plate and it is used for 4-6 hours a day for 1-3 weeks.

Tooth color may get darker in the long-term in teeth that have lost their vitality and have undergone root canal treatment. In such cases, the bleaching agent is placed into the tooth after isolation. This is repeated every two days until the desired color is achieved.

It is necessary to avoid coloring drinks and foods for a while afterwards for the continuity of bleaching.

Contrary to the general belief, bleaching under dentist's control does not cause any harm to the teeth and surrounding tissues.

To choose the bleaching option most suitable for you, first the cause of the coloring should be determined by your dentist and a treatment plan should be made according to you.